
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Stamped Roses

Hi Lovelies!

Have you ever sat down to create a manicure having one thing in mind and ended up creating something entirely different? Such is the case of this rosy manicure. When Polished by KPT Rouge-Lette In Love was released in the Fall of 2014, I thought it would make the perfect base for some brick stamping. That manicure didn't turn out how I envisioned and hence it never made a debut on the blog. Last week, however, I got the urge to recreate that manicure, although obviously with some adjustments. As you can see, at the last minute I had a change of heart and bricks turned into roses...

Here is the original manicure from Fall 2014. It was supposed to say L♥VE, but the 'L' ended up looking like an 'I' and the 'V' looking like a 'U'. It almost looks as though it should say I♥U instead, which would be fine except for the then random 'E' at the end. Sigh! Plus the color didn't quite have the contrast I had hoped for, so I took it off and set the idea aside, telling myself next time I would use brighter colors and make it actually readable...

When I actually sat down to create the 'improved' version last week, I decided I wanted something more Spring/Summer appropriate and completely ditched the brick idea for some floral images instead. Now I'm thinking roses would have looked great over a brick background. I guess that can be an idea for yet another time...

I do find it amusing though that my nail length and shape are almost exactly the same as they were when I did the original brick manicure, especially considering I rarely rounded my nails back then...

OK, I digress, let's get back to this rosy manicure...

For the stamping design, I used Messy Mansion plate MM07 and stamped it with Colour Alike B. a Fresh Mojito (lime green) and B. an Ice Coffee (nude). I've always wanted to combo the leaves and roses on this plate, but it seemed too much work getting the placement correct with a 'regular' stamper. Now with the new clear stampers, it is a piece of cake. So easy to place the roses where I want them...

Polished by KPT Rouge-Lette In Love
A quick fresh swatch of this beauty. A rosy red with a subtle scattered holographic shimmer. The overall effect with no direct light/sunlight is a metallic-y finish. The holo really comes out to play in the sunshine or under direct lights. This has a very nice, smooth formula and is completely opaque in two coats. Swatches are with a top coat...

I hope you enjoyed this manicure! I'd love to know your thoughts on it. :)

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **


  1. Beautiful stamping manicure! :-) I love roses and these are simply beautiful! :-)
    I can understand your wish to make that "brick manicure" perfect, but think about this: sometimes our manicures seem very unperfect to ourselves and they look gorgeous to other girls, so maybe we could be less hard with ourselves! :-) I love your LOVE brick manicure! :-)

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely words! I think we do get trapped in trying to make everything perfect and sometimes not wanting to bother photographing/showing the imperfect ones. I'm glad you liked the LOVE manicure, I do need to try recreating it again with what I had in mind :)

  2. So glad you shared your brick design too! It's fabulous - but yes, maybe better someday with more contrast - but still, post worthy! ;)
    Yes, I can relate very much to sitting down with one design in mind and doing another - I've done it a lot lately. The results are always interesting.
    These roses are adorable. Hooray for clear stampers!

    1. Yes to more contrast! Someday I'll come back and try it again. Maybe this Fall. It seems to be sneaking up on me faster than I would like though...

  3. You're back! Yay!!! I have really missed your posts. I love this mani. The rosy polish is so pretty. I was so excited when I saw that you had a new post. Welcome back!!!! :)

    1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm so excited to be back even if it is part time (and I'm super slow about getting back on comments :( )


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