
Monday, May 2, 2011

Sally Hansen Merlot - a pleasant surprise

I bought this SH polish in the clearance section of my local Rite Aid. The color in the bottle was not very impressive, but I decided I wouldn't be loosing much by trying it. The first coat was kind of meh, pretty thin and a raspberry-like color. As I started to add more coats, it turned into this gorgeous deep blackened raspberry color. It was opaque after three coats, but I ended up doing four just to even it out. The pigment seemed to pull away from the cuticles making it difficult to get an even color. Maybe if I had waited a bit longer between the 2nd and 3rd coat, I could have done without the 4th :)

The name Merlot suits it very well. It is like looking at a glass of deep red wine. I have to admit I was very pleasantly surprised and definitely glad that I got this color.

outdoors (no direct sunlight)

When the sun hits it all the red tones come out and it looks really juicy and jelly-like...

Brand: Sally Hansen
Collection: Hard as Nails
Color Name/Number: Merlot

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Ooo! Pretty dark raspberry jelly. So shiny and squishy. I like it. and it looks smashing on you. :)

  2. Thanks! I didn't expect to like it as much as I did :D


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