
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Glam Polish Dry Marble

Hi Lovelies!

It is always fun to play around with new techniques and I think I found one that I will likely be using again and again. I tried and failed water marbling with the gorgeous Glam Polish Gobblefunk Shimmers, likely due to my lack of skills in that particular area since other bloggers seem to have had success with them. Instead, I decided to skip the watery mess and try a drip marble. I have seen all sorts of gorgeous manicures created with this technique around the web and finally got to enjoy it for myself...

I created drip marble decals by slightly modifying the technique shown in this tutorial by Colette of My Simple Little Pleasures. I found that I didn't get a good swirl of colors when layering my drips exactly as she does, so instead I placed random dots on my piece of plastic before swirling them around. It was so fun to do.

I used 5 Glam Polish lovelies from the upcoming Gobblefunk Shimmers collection: Whoopsy-Splunkers, Gloriumptious, Phiz-Whizzing, Time-Twiddler, Splitzwiggled. In addition I tossed in a bit of gold for a sliver of light among the dark shades and to play off of the golden flecks in some of the polishes...

The most difficult part of this manicure was applying the decals. If I could just dip my nail into this swirl of colors or swirl them on the nail itself without waiting a lifetime for them to dry, I definitely would have...

The Gobblefunk Shimmers used in this manicure, will be released:
Friday October 28th, 2pm EDT USA,
International Shipping:

I have included the full press release for them in my previous post here!

I hope you enjoyed this manicure. As always, I'd love to know your thoughts on it!

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **


  1. These are so gorgeous!! Love, LOVE!!! ;) What a great test run for the drip marble technique!! I can empathize with the difficulty applying the decals though. Something I have had a bit of success with for these thicker/full nail DIY decals (I've done drag marble ones so far) is to use a sticky base coat prior to applying the decal on the nail. Just thought to mention it.

  2. Oh lordy! These are so beautiful!! I'm a watermarble failure as well so this technique looks like one I need to try!


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