
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cloudy Days Go Away!

Fall weather in Seattle is such a fickle thing. Although the sun is peeking out now, it has been pouring buckets on and off for days now. Polished by KPT Cloudy Days Go Away couldn't capture my mood or sentiments any better. I decided to create some playful nail art to go along with this beautiful polish and my cloudy days state of mind...

To create this manicure, I started out with a base of Polished by KPT Cloudy Days Go Away. Using white acrylic paint and a dotting tool I added the clouds. I then added the raindrops using Polished by KPT Lumières. It makes for the most perfect sparkly rain drops. Photos don't quite capture how adorable it its.

I stamped the umbrella from Winstonia plate W113 using black and white nail polish to create a template for myself. Then using Polished by KPT Lady Roxane, I painted over the white umbrella canopy. Using a small brush and black acrylic paint, I traced all of the outlines. Somehow it sounds more complicated than it really was, but trust me it was not.

Look how cute those sparkly raindrops are!!

What do you think of this manicure?

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were provided to me for review by the manufacturer or their PR. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **


  1. I love this mani and I did not realize you were a fellow PNW. I am in Maple Valley myself :-)

  2. Looks like perfect interpretation of "I'm singing in the rain" :) I love your nails!

  3. Anutka, what a unique idea! I love the sparkly raindrops. =) They add just the right glittery touch. Your nails seem so long today!!

  4. Unfortunately they are not going away but cool mani :)

  5. How did I not know you were in Seattle?? Wow! Hi, neighbor! If you're looking to meet up with some other polish fanatics come check out our FB group. We're "Pacific NW Polish Addicts". We get together, talk polish, eat know...the best things in life! :P Some people are even getting together to go to the Ulta grand openings around the area.

  6. This is so cute! Love the sparkling rain!


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