
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mail Time...

I think I love my mail man. Ok, not really. He is a middle aged man and I have only seen him a few times, but he brought me the most wonderful gifts on Monday. I didn't get a chance to post about them that day, but better late than never.

First up is the the amazing Fall Giveaway that I won from Carolina of Colores de Carol. I assume you have all seen her blog by now, but if you have not make sure to check it out. She posts wonderful swatches and stamped manicures that I'm always drooling over!

Here is what she sent me... I couldn't believe all this stuff! She also threw in some candy and Mary Kay color cards to sweeten up the box.

Thank you sooo much Carolina I cannot wait to try all of this!!!

Next up is another giveaway that I won. This one is from Jennifer at Fab Fatale. I love her Manicure Mondays series. Make sure to check it out as well!

Thank you Jennifer! You have fulfilled a big lemming for me!

P.S. My bf swears these are all the same color... :D

Ok, now to the stuff that I bought....
For this one I blame Marta from ChitChat Nails and her Mind Control manicure. I think the mind control must have worked because I ordered these 10 minutes after I saw her manicure. :)

I left this photo in original size so you can click to zoom in for detail...

Lastly are some nail art brushes I ordered from Ebay. These came as two sets of three. Maybe these will make my nail art better? What was that you say? Real talent isn't in the tools... Darn, I was really hopeful! :P

Thanks so much for looking! I hope you have fabulous mail days every once in a while too! :)

Anutka :)


  1. I'm so jealous of the Zoya collection, I love the colours :D

  2. Поздравляю от души!!!! Как я рада, что выиграл именно тот, кого знаешь )))
    И не зря тебе сопутствовала удача, ты действительно талантище!

  3. I love to see nail mail post! Makes me want more stuff lol

  4. @Elsa, they are so pretty! By the way, Zoya is having a giveaway on their Facebook page. Make sure to enter if you qualify for their by their rules... 1000 Winners :)

    @All Things Shiny, Thank you! I don't even know where to start will all of it :)

    @Antallex, Oi, spasibo tebe bol'shoe za takie kompementi. Ya tozhe vsegda rada vidyat' kogda znakomie imena viigrivaut :)

  5. Look at all of your new goodies!!!
    I'm so glad you got the RED ANGEL plates... and I can't wait to see you sport some of those soft Zoya shades!


  6. @Marta, thanks to you for helping me discover the Red Angel plates :)


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